Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Comparative Annual Report Essay

All listed companies must prepare and publish their annual report for each end of every financial year. Bursa Malaysia Berhad and Central Bank of Malaysia require business entities to submit annual report. Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the company’s activities and financial performance. It is general documents that give shareholders an idea of the condition of the company as a whole. The Securities Commission makes public companies disclose certain information to the shareholders of the company. It will create a standardized method that investors can use to evaluate the potential of a company. The purpose of this project is to analyze the annual reports between two industries. For our project paper, we have focus on services and plantation industries and compared two annual reports for the year 2009 between. This comparison would describe about these two industries; what is the similarities disclosure and differences disclosure between services and plantation industries besides the implication of disclosure and presentation of financial reporting. The aims of comparative between two annual report is to strengthen and enhance the understandability on how these companies present the information in their annual report to internal and external users. All information should be honest and forthcoming. It is to emphasize on the particular industries, including background of the company. Besides that it has emphasize on applicable statutory requirements, corporate governance, and voluntary disclosure on corporate social responsibility and environment issues into these two different industries. Furthermore, analyzed the similarities and differentiation of statutory requirement applies by both companies. And find out whether these two companies have complied in corporate governance and discuss the application of corporate social responsibility and environmental issues.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Abolishing the Death Penalty Thesis

Abolishing the Death Penalty October 18, 2010 Abolishing the Death Penalty The death penalty has been an active force in the United States for decades. In the early history of our country, public executions were quite popular. Thousands have been executed with the majority occurring in the early twentieth century. But public sentiment towards the executions began to wane as the concepts of basic human rights were being developed throughout the century. As a result, a kind of unofficial moratorium was placed on all executions while several Supreme Court cases were taking place to determine the legality of the punishment.The result of the cases actually made the death penalty illegal as it stood, so several states rewrote their laws, being more specific as to the circumstances as to which the penalty can be applied. The Supreme Court reversed its decision and those states that met the new compliance could reinstate the death penalty. Today, it is legal to execute death row prisoners in all but fifteen states. While it may be legal, it still holds that the death penalty has not and cannot accomplish the task that it has been reinstated to fulfill. Part I: ThesisThe death penalty should be abolished for a variety of reasons. Initially, the death penalty has long been held to be inherently unjust. It is considered unjust in relation to its application, unjust as to the type of punishment utilized and unjust as a punishment at all. It has and continues to be argued in court that the executions amount to what is considered cruel and unusual punishment and so barbaric that it should be done away with as a type of punishment. It is a sad but true statement to say that the United States is one of the last democratic nations to continue to utilize the death penalty.Our country has wavered back in forth on the issue of capital punishment being illegal and a breach of human rights. Additionally, even while continuing to use the death penalty it has not shown to be a deterre nt of crime and actually may increase it. Opponents of the death penalty also recognize that it has not been applied fairly. For instance, minorities, the poor, and the mentally disabled tend to receive the death penalty with far greater consistency than their counterparts. That cannot be a punishment representative of a great industrialized country.Those against the death penalty also recognize the cost involved with executing a prisoner. To actually take a death row inmate through the complete appellate system, so as to ensure the inmate’s guilt without any doubt, would cost exponentially more than housing the same inmate for the duration of their life. The monies saved could be better served if used towards something positive, like victim’s programs or the like. Lastly, the death penalty is a punishment that is irrevocable; its effects are permanent and there is the sad reality that innocent lives may be lost. There is no perfect system and mistakes are bound to be made.This is one mistake, however, that cannot be corrected. This is why the death penalty cannot be the United States’ answer for grave offenders of the law. Part II: Anti-Thesis Proponents of the death penalty are large in number. According to many polls, as many as 80% of the American population still favor capital punishment. One reason for this is society as a whole believes that if a person kills another person, the killer forfeits his right to his own life. (Christie, 1990). If a person shows such complete and utter disregard for human life, the question is posed, why should any regard be shown for the person?Also, those in favor of using the death penalty argue that it is a just punishment for the crime and it is reliable. After all, though some states are trying to punish people with death for other heinous crimes, such as rape and repeat child molestation, so far the death penalty can only be imposed on murder cases. As far as the reliability argument, supporters wi ll always point out that because of the thoroughness in applying and appealing death penalty cases, the process itself will weed out the innocent and wrongly convicted. Proponents of the death penalty also view it as a deterrent to crime. â€Å"Same old†, 1990). Just by having the possible punishment of death as an end result to a heinous crime has lowered the murder rate in some states. The feeling is that the more executions you have, the lower the homicide rate you will have. Not to mention the innocent lives you will save. Supporters of capital punishment will cite studies showing that murderers who are allowed to live will inevitably kill again. Studies have shown that murderers awaiting their death penalty sentence to be carried out have killed correction officers, knowing there could be no additional fate assigned to them.Another argument made in favor of the death penalty is one of Biblical proportions. There are some activists that say the Bible itself proclaims the right to execute a perpetrator of the most serious of crimes by quoting a scripture from Leviticus 24:20 – â€Å"†¦fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has injured the other, so he is to be injured. † The old adage has not been lost on those who feel that it is their God given right to enforce the laws that God has given them regarding the taking of a human life. Gray, 2010) Lastly, many supporters of capital punishment feel that it is appropriate to give a punishment that fits the crime and one that is universal. It doesn’t matter a person’s color, race, creed, ethnicity, nationality, gender, or financial status; if two people, one white and one â€Å"non-white†, commit the exact same crime under the exact same circumstances, they in fact should receive the exact same punishment. It is believed that the death penalty, when applied under the circumstance of murder in the first degree with aggravating circumstances, is the great equalizer, with everyone being treated the same in the eyes of the law.Part III: Synthesis It is important that the United States realizes, sooner than later, that the death penalty has to be abolished. Proponents want us to think that a killer forfeits his own life. But the reality is all life is precious, regardless of its form or merit. (Thomson, 2001). Although someone has taken a life, and in no way should that be trivialized, it does not change that situation by killing the offender. All it does is show that two wrongs do not make a right. The execution of the murderer does not bring the victim back to life.Quite frankly, the death penalty often provides a way out for the offender and if punishment was the true desire of the sentence then there are situations, other than execution that may be far more punitive than the taking of his or her life. (Thomson, 2001). When it comes to reliability, the argument on behalf of the death penalty doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. Yes, it is true that the exhaustive appeals process does on occasion help to find innocent people who have been convicted of murder. This is largely due to the relatively new innovation of DNA technology as it relates to crime scene investigation. (Gzedit, 2010).Well, if anything, this proves the fallibility of the death penalty process. If over 131 death row inmates could be exonerated and released from death row, that shows just how faulty the system is and proves it is unreliable. Again, as stated previously, once a prisoner has been executed, there is no returning from the grave to say a mistake has been made. At least if the inmate was serving a life sentence and found innocent, they could be released, although still wronged by a jail sentence, but it is a correctable injustice. One of the main arguments in favor of the death penalty is that it serves as a deterrent to serious crime.Would it surprise you to know that this simply is not true? It is a proven fact that the death penalty has not demonstrably deterred crime. (â€Å"Same old†, 1990). The 2004 Uniform Crime Report that was published by the FBI published that Southern states demonstrated the highest murder rate in the country, despite being responsible for 85% of the nation’s executions. (Friedman, 2006, p. 37). As further evidence that the death penalty doesn’t deter crime I introduce you to the state of Texas which has been nicknamed the â€Å"killing machine† because they tend to exercise the death penalty frequently and rapidly.Even with capital punishment Texas has a disturbing murder rate of 5. 6 per 100,000 persons s opposed to Massachusetts, which banned executions and only has a murder rate of 2. 6. (Gzedit, 2010). As for the idea that people who kill once develop an appetite to kill again, there have been no definitive studies that prove this theory. This mindset is based on gut reaction, conjecture, and hysteria. Perhaps one of the most controversial argume nts in favor of the death penalty is the interpreted law given by God to exact the same punishment on the criminal as was forced upon the victim.Supporters of this notion quote scripture from the Holy Bible as a sort of guideline to follow. However the Bible also has scripture that specifically refutes the idea of the death penalty as retribution for man to man. For example, Matthew 5:38-39 insists that violence shall not beget violence. James 4:12 says that God is the only one who can take a life in the name of justice. Leviticus 19:18 warns against vengeance (which, really, is what the death penalty amounts to). In John 8:7, Jesus himself says, â€Å"let he who is without sin cast the first stone. This is truly what Jesus would do! Finally, proponents of the death penalty exclaim that executions are given with perfect exactness according to the crime, without regard to race, color, creed, nationality, etc†¦ , basically saying without bias. However, many different studies hav e show that the likelihood of you receiving the death penalty increases according to those very attributes. People of color are more likely than their white counterparts to receive the death penalty for committing the same crime under the same circumstances.Also, blacks that murder white victims are far likelier to end up on death row than whites killing blacks. Furthermore, studies show that prosecutors are more likely to seek the death penalty against blacks than they will for whites who commit the same crime. (Friedman, 2006, pp. 86-89). So much for all being equal under the law! So, as you see, we are a country somewhat divided. While the majority of Americans still favour the idea of using the death penalty, it has become an increasingly more controversial subject.The United States always holds its head up high as the leader of the free world and is quick to condemn other countries with regards to their human rights violations. How then can we continue to justify our use of thi s antiquated, archaic method of punishment? It is time that our country steps in line with the rest of the industrialized countries into the 21st century and do away with the death penalty once and for all.References Gzedit. (2010, January 27). Pro-death: :America alone. The Charleston Gazette,A. 4. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from ProQuest Newsstand. Document ID: 1948771421). Christie, J. (1990, March 29). At Last, Punishment Fits the Crime Death penalty: It has wide support because ordinary citizens identify with media images of brutalized victims :[Home Edition]. Los Angeles Times (pre-1997 Fulltext),p. 7. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from Los Angeles Times. (Document ID: 60026222). Friedman, L. (2006). The death penalty. Greenhaven Press Gray, L. (4   November). Houston Chronicle Lisa Gray column: Life, death and the prodigal son. McClatchy – Tribune Business News. Retrieved October 19, 2010, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID:  1893533451). Same old anti-crime hype . (1990, October 15). Milwaukee Journal,p. a06. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from ProQuest Central. (Document ID: 64063217). Thomson, R. (2001, June 18). A consistent pro-life stance rules out the death penalty :[SARASOTA Edition]. Sarasota Herald Tribune,p. BS1. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 74204727).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Essential Equipments in the Healthcare of Patients Essay

Essential Equipments in the Healthcare of Patients - Essay Example According to the paper the type of questionnaire to be used showed consist of direct questions relevant to the study topic. The questionnaire is supposed to clearly tally views and bring about a reasonable argument at the end of the study period. The study should be able to capture a multitude of observation and present results that can be use even in future analysis as it examine trends that are used to predict the future this is in respect to patients and their spiritual beliefs as well as perceptions.This study discusses that some of the people the author of the report interviewed were not comfortable with the questions that the reporter asked them. Patients who are ignorant and do not have any ideas on the importance of spiritual beliefs are supposed to be included in the study as it stipulates the challenges facing patients in relation to spiritual beliefs. The challenges encountered in my study in this case include: lack of knowledge in the benefits of keeping a spiritual histo ry. Lack of adequate time in the analysis was an issue. Finally, misunderstanding of questions in the study. The result of these challenges is, the data provided is not 100% of actual truth. Majority of the people, roughly 96%, felt the importance of spiritual health. The lack of experience and knowledge in spiritual history was one of the major barriers to the study.  Spiritual assessment tools are essential equipments in the healthcare of patients. They help to cope with stress and illness as they are used in their recognition.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Risks Assessment of Work Environment of Titanic Cove Resort Essay

Risks Assessment of Work Environment of Titanic Cove Resort - Essay Example This paper analyzes all the hazards, which are present in the workplace of Titanic Cove Resort as well as the risks associated with each hazard. Moreover, this paper puts forward suggestions and suitable measures for dealing with these hazards in order to reduce their riskiness. Cost-benefit analysis has also been done to state the costs and benefits related to non-compliance with the legislation, hazards and recommended controls. In the end, risks assessment table has been attached in order to provide the glimpse of overall situation at Titanic Cove Resort. Along with that, an action plan has also been prepared to notice how the suggestions and measures can be put into effect. WHS legislation is the legalities and laws that are formulated for the health and safety of workers of organizations. All the employers and workers are required to comply these laws. Non-compliance with these can be hazardous for not only the workers but for the overall organization because if the workers are not performing up to the mark due to hurdles in working environment lack of good health, then it can result in monetary as well as non-monetary loss of the company. Examples of monetary losses include loss of profits, increased costs etc whereas non-monetary losses include loss of reputation, brand image, and goodwill. Complying with WHS Legislation is compulsory for every organization. Titanic Cove Resort also needs to comply with WHS Legislation because the number of hazards and associated risks are present in the work environment of the respective organization. Breaches of Legislation can provide a glimpse of the expected losses that might result in non-compliance with the WH S Legislation. A slight glance at the results of Breaches of WHS Legislation has been mentioned below.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Yellow fever. Development of vaccine Research Paper

Yellow fever. Development of vaccine - Research Paper Example Yellow fever has been a cause of life threatening epidemics throughout the last few hundreds of years of human civilization. It is believed to have originated in Africa and transported to the western hemisphere through the slave trade with the first reported outbreak being in Yucatan in 1648.The ensuing years reported a number of outbreaks in the Americas and Europe. 2 The disease remained an enigma though Cuban Carlos Finlay suggested the mosquito Culex cubensis which is now called Aedes aegypti to be responsible for the spread of the disease. 3 His multiple attempts however could not prove the theory and it was not until the end of the 19th century that the mystery surrounding the enigmatic disease was unlocked by Surgeon Walter Reed of the United States Army. The work done by Reed and his colleagues found that the mosquito Aedes aegypti was critical in the dissemination of the disease and a filterable agent found in the patients' blood was the cause of the disease. A rapid eradica tion campaign against the mosquito vector followed the discovery and in 1918 a Yellow Fever Commission funded by the Rockfeller foundation was established for the purpose. The eradication drive though effective in curbing the disease in most part could not eradicate the disease completely the possible explanation for which did not come until the 1930s when new techniques were used to study the yellow fever virus. It then became known that the disease was a zoonosis with the natural reservoir of the virus being non-human primates and jungle dwelling sylvatic mosquito species. The disease transmission follows a pattern where a range of vectors transmit the virus from infected monkeys to humans resulting in sporadic cases of the disease. These cases when comes in contact with larger human populations in urban dwellings where it is transmitted by A. aegypti from man to man results in the possibility of an epidemic. 2 Yellow fever is an infectious disease which causes damage of many organs due to severe bleeding. One of the clinical symptoms that give the disease its name is jaundice. The acute phase symptoms that develop following the incubation of the virus in the body for three to six days include fever, nausea, muscle pain with headache, backache, loss of appetite and shivers. Following initial remission some patients enter a severe toxic phase with the return of high fever. Various organs including the kidney and liver are affected. Bleeding occur from nose, mouth, eyes and stomach which also appears in vomit and faeces. 5 There is no treatment specified for yellow fever except for supportive care for fever and dehydration and antibiotics for associated bacterial infections. Vaccines Development of vaccine An important breakthrough that identified Reed's filterable agent to be a virus came from the work done by Adrain Stokes and his collaborators in 1927 which showed monkeys could be infected with materials from yellow fever patients. The isolated virus was called the Asibi strain after the patient who provided the blood sample. 6 Yellow fever virus was identified to be a relatively small virus which readily lost infectivity but stabilized with proteins. 7 Yellow fever in the present classification is grouped under flavivirus (flavus in Latin meaning yellow) group along with more than 80 viruses seen in arthropod vectors. 8 Max Theiler in 1930 discovered a more convenient way of propagating the virus in mouse brain and developed a test for measuring protective antibodies in them. This led to the development of an important tool for epidemiological and diagnostic studies. 9 Theiler and his collaborators discovered the 17D variant when passaging the Asibi strain of the virus in cell cultures. 10 This would eventually become the basis for the first ever yellow fever vaccine responsible for saving innumerable lives and Nobel Prize for Theiler in 1951. Another live attenuated vaccine called the French Neurotropic Vaccine was developed from a different strain of virus isolated in 1927 in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward novel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward novel - Essay Example In a careful analysis of the novel, it becomes lucid that Bellamy's bipolar society is partially organized by scientific-technical reason and partially devoted to the pensively rational pursuit of freedom and individuality. Therefore, the author makes use of scientific-technical means to solve the social problem of scarcity through high levels of political centralization and a willingness to assimilate the machine culture. Thus, Looking Backward is one of the best known films of this sub-genre and arguably the best in terms of literary merit and wholeness of conception and vision. In the novel, Bellamy's society is bipolar in nature as it incorporates scientific-technical reason although it is devoted to the pensively rational pursuit of freedom and individuality. However, this scientific-technological advance has not come to pass by 2009, even in modified form, as either socialism or capitalism does not give room for this bipolarity in the 20th Century. Bellamy's concept that such a society would result with high levels of political centralization and a willingness to 'fit in' with the machine culture proved to be wrong. The main reason for the lack of this scientific-technological solution is that Bellamy's society is bipola

Understanding Dad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Understanding Dad - Essay Example I was inconsiderate, lazy, disrespectful, not studious enough, not athletic enough, not something enough. No matter what I tried, I didn't give it the full effort he thought it deserved. It seemed he was always waiting to tell me just what it was I was lacking or how much what I was doing was leading me to "nowhere good." Even when he left me alone, he was always there, impossible to ignore, a permanent end to my good time. Dad had that effect on people. Growing up, I resented him for that. Why couldn't he just be cool and look the other way sometimes? It took a real emergency while I was in high school for me to realize how that hard rock I knew as my father hid a warm, passionate center and to make me realize how he had used that rock and that heat to shape me into a better human being as an adult. Throughout my childhood, I participated in a variety of sports and activities. I think I was looking for something my father knew nothing about and had zero interest in learning. The way I figured it, he couldn't tell me I was wrong if he was a newbie, too. He would just have to go along with whatever the coaches, directors or other organizers told him. Maybe it's a blessing, but I considered it a curse that my dad is interested in all kinds of things. Just because he didn't know about it before I started didn't mean he wouldn't start learning about it the moment I took an interest. There I'd be, running for everything I was worth on the cross-country team and he'd be there along the sidelines near the finish line - "Come on! Give it the extra effort now! Don't hold back!" Some of the other kids said they never heard their parents at that point, they were too exhausted and busy trying to keep their lungs from bursting. I was cursed again because I understood every word that came to me in that big, booming voice of his with the crackle of tension lying just under the surface. It only ever came out when he was on the sidelines or really, really angry at home. Maybe that's why I always felt like I was running away from a beating even though he never delivered one. I'm sure it wasn't because of my running speed. Gasping for air and trying to keep breakfast in my stomach, he would walk up to me and tell me how I could improve my pace, increase my speed, correct my form or something else equally irritating. Somewhere in there he'd usually throw in a "good job" or "I'm proud of you," but I was convinced this was just for show so the other parents wouldn't think he was being too pushy. He had to avoid the 'stage dad' persona after all, keep up proper appearances. Somehow, my childhood memory neglected to note that these moments of pride and praise were usually delivered in the car, in private, while we were on our way home or out to a special treat meant just for me w ithout the presence of brothers or sisters to take away the attention. Things only grew worse as I grew up and started to want to hang out with friends instead of family. With this change, I discovered my childhood had been dancing on daisies compared to all the wrong I committed as a pre-teen and teenager. Nothing I did with my hair was right. No matter what style I selected, product or no product, short, long, somewhere in between, dyed, not dyed, popular style or something more traditional, Dad always had something negative to say about it. I couldn't even cover it up with a hat or a hoodie to make things right - then it was the wrong kind of hat or I was trying to be a gangster or "one of those dark kids who think everything in life sucks." Why couldn't he even remember something as simple as Goth? And what exactly about my life didn't suck anyway? If I

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Internet Literacy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Internet Literacy - Assignment Example There are various forms of plagiarism in academia. For instance, submitting somebody else’s work as original work is a form of plagiarism. Another aspect of plagiarism is using quotations and not citing the source (Espinel, 2011). This law tries to encourage creation of culture and art through rewarding artists and authors with a set of rights. The law grants artists and authors the exclusive right to create and sell their works. Due to petitions filed by many authors 1783, the law was passed to give them protection against infringement of their literary property. In many countries, the law basically protects the original works of authorship. The works are fixed in a tangible medium. The media includes artistic, musical, dramatic and other types of intellectual works. The law include musical, architectural, sound recording, pictorial and literary works (Espinel, 2011). During the Constitutional Convention held in 1787, Charles Pinckney of South Carolina and James Madison of Virginia submitted proposals for the granting of copy right for limited time. The proposals made by the two are the origin of the Copyright Clause found in the U.S Constitution (Espinel, 2011). A trademark is a word, symbol, design, name, or a combination of all. They are used in commerce in distinguishing goods of different manufacturers or sellers. They also indicate the sources of the goods. In history, blacksmiths who made swords in the Roman Empire are the ones who first used the trademarks. Today, different countries have passed laws to govern trademark. The laws require the registration of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discussion Board reply Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Discussion Board reply - Assignment Example Different factors control a working environment. Personal psychological status of the worker has a major influence on how he interacts with his coworkers and how well he can execute the tasks. Motivation is another factor that controls his morale and quality of work. A highly motivated employee has a higher moral, a higher self esteem and therefore a higher acceptance capacity. His work is quality work, his interaction is healthy and both his work and family life are in acute balance. A comfortable psychological condition is necessary. Sexual harassment is the most prevalent psychological torment prevalent in our present day work routines. Dual sex work oriented coalition is inevitable but sometimes the most primitive human lust starts to control ethical behavior causing serious consequences. (Paludi, 2010) This approach of managing ad formulating certain directives principles for its prevention utilizing both pedagogy and andragogy techniques will definitely lay out fruitful results. If need be different therapists, shrinks and other law enforcement agents should be employed to manage to manage and provide certain directives for every worker and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Exploration and drilling process Research Paper

The Exploration and drilling process - Research Paper Example However since technology is known to be dynamic this research paper recommend that other research papers similar to this should be conducted every now and then to encompass the new impacts emerging. Several authors have discussed the process of oil exploration in various contexts. Ofstad (20)explained thatnew models should be establishedwith new discoveries experiencedin new exploration.Poletto and Miranda (1), showed that oil and gas exploration consists of three main phases that are the geophysical exploration with geological interpretation of processed data, drilling phase and production phase. However, Bjorndal (56) explained that the typical pattern for individual fields, regions and provinces is that exploration activities uncover more oil reserves than predicted by the geophysical approach. Hyne (233) discussed the drilling preliminaries, the mechanics for drilling an oil well, the drilling problems and the drilling techniques. However, none of the scholars relates the current technological advancement with the improvements in the process of oil exploration and drilling. This is the reason why I have decided to undertake this research so that I can indicate the various progresses that have been achieved in the process of oil exploration and drilling because of improvement in the levels of technology. One of my specific objectives is to explore how technology has improved the collection, analysis and interpretation of seismic data in determining the presence of oil deposits. My other specific objective is to determine how technology has influenced the process of oil drilling and various preparations involved as well as the choice for the equipment to use during the process. The process of oil exploration involves three phases. The first phase is geophysical explorations with geological interpretation of geological data. This phase identifies a geological region in which to drill oil wells and after a

Monday, July 22, 2019

African American Essay Example for Free

African American Essay Working with African American men as a counselor its necessary to have a strategic plan to be able to work around there ego. African American men in no way wants to feel belittled or not in control. African American men wants to play the â€Å"head of the household role†. According to this case study I would like to do role playing so both individuals can have a better understanding how the other feel. Majority of the therapy sessions would be role playing with some talk sessions. I would like to play the mediator role in this specific case and give homework assignments to the couple. Given that I don’t see Sue as the issue the session would mostly be geared towards Jeremy. Given the Chinese culture I am more worried about how therapy will work for Jeremy. Chinese culture †¢Small numbers of close, lifelong friends who feel deeply obligated to give each other whatever help might seem required. †¢Relationships with other people involve reciprocal obligations. †¢Avoid direct confrontation, open criticism, and controversial topics. †¢maintain harmony †¢Faith in personal relationships than in written rules and procedures for structuring interactions. Questions I would like to address 1. Prior to marriage how did Jeremy about an interracial child? 2. What has influenced Jeremy thinking on having a child? 3. Why has the dynamics of the relationship changed since Sue parents moved to the same city? 4. Has Sue parents been an influence on their relationship? 5. Has Sue discussed her concerns to Jeremy about their marriage? 6. How was Jeremy and Sur relationship prior to marriage? 7. How does Jeremy family feel about his marriage? 8. Besides the issue with having a child, what other issues is the marriage facing? 9. Jeremy working more hours, is that optional or mandatory? 10. What are some of Jeremy concerns about having a bi-racial child?

Reflecting on one’s Communication Skills Essay Example for Free

Reflecting on one’s Communication Skills Essay Introduction Nursing students can enhance their learning through reflection that is, reflecting on a situation that involves nursing care (Parker 2006, p.115). In line with this thought, I shall reflect on an experience and discuss the communication skills I used or should have used during the patient encounter. I will use the three what model based on the work of Borton (1970) and Boud (1985) to help structure my reflection. Before going any further, I am invoking the provision in the NMC (2008) code which declares the need to respect people’s confidentiality; hence, the identity of the patient who will be cited in this reflection will be kept anonymous. He will be given a pseudonym and will simply be referred to as Mr. B What? Mr. B is a 75-year-old patient in a nursing home diagnosed with dementia. Initially, it was my mentor who initiated nursing care to him and I was instructed to continue its delivery. The rationale why my mentor assigned me to Mr. B was so I can sharpen my communication skills. During my interaction with Mr. B, I tried to remain calm and spoke in slow and short sentences. I also used simple words although at times, I cannot help but repeat what I have already said because I was not sure whether the patient understood my statements. So What? At first, I was honestly hesitant and quite nervous when I interacted with the patient. I was already aware of his condition; hence, I was in a dilemma as to how I can communicate with him. This experience helped me realise that communication is truly an important part of nursing practice. Mastering all the routine nursing tasks and other complicated nursing interventions will all have been for nothing if a nurse does not know how to initiate a nurse-patient therapeutic relationship or interaction which naturally begins with communication. To simply put it, Ellis, Gates and Kenworthy (2003, p.214) declare that good communication is vital to effective nursing. According to Collins (2009) good communication helps build a therapeutic relationship which is central to nursing. It is a must for a nurse to be able to communicate effectively with the patient because communication is the tool that will allow the nurse to reassure a patient, empower the patient, motivate the patient, put a patient at ease, and convey understanding of the patient’s concerns (Collins 2009). I realised that communicating with a patient with dementia is more difficult than I have actually predicted. His condition was definitely the barrier that hindered effective communication. Even though I spoke in clear, short and simple sentences, there were still instances when the patient did not understand what I said or may be pretended to have not heard what I said. With this, I realise that one effective counter against such circumstance is to establish and maintain genuine rapport with the patient which can be done through frequent therapeutic conversations with the patient. Rapport entails trust and confidence of the patient to the nurse. Without, a nurse will have difficulty convincing a patient to follow instructions or adhere to advices. The experience also led me to realise the importance of valuing non-verbal communication. Before, I honestly took for granted non-verbal communication because the patients I handled in the past had no cognitive impairments that hindered verbal communication. It was only during this experience that verbal communication is less reliable due to the patient’s condition. This experience pointed out that a patient’s facial expression, presence or absence of eye contact, and bodily gestures can all help decipher a patient’s mood, feelings and attitude towards the nurse and the interventions given by the nurse. Videbeck (2010, p.107) relate that it is crucial for a nurse to understand what a patient is trying to communicate by means of observing non-verbal cues. I learned that a truly competent nurse is someone who is able to assess not only what a patient can verbalise but also assess those non-verbal cues displayed by a  patient which may lead the nurse to truly unde rstand how the patient feels and what the patient needs. Now What The experience helped me learn the importance of both verbal and non-verbal communication. As an aspiring nurse, I have to continuously sharpen my communication skills because I shall be interacting with more varied patients in the future. I have to be able to establish rapport with each new patient and I can do this by communicating with them. I must maximise my communication with my patients because I can do a lot of things by communicating such as motivate, empower, educate and understand my patients. Conclusion To sum up, reflecting on an experience will help discover different important learning. It will increase one’s knowledge identify strengths and weaknesses in one’s skills. Communication is key to building rapport and therapeutic relationship with patients. A nurse must always improve on his or her communication skills in order to better deliver nursing care. References Collins, S. (2009). Good communication helps to build a therapeutic relationship. (online) available at: Ellis, R., Gates, B. and Kenworthy, N. (2003). Interpersonal communication in nursing: Theory and practice. London: Churchill Livingstone. Nursing Midwifery Council (2008). The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London: NMC. Parker, M. (2006). Aesthetic ways in day-to-day nursing. In: Freshwater, D. (Ed.). Therapeutic nursing: Improving patient care through self-awareness and reflection. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Videbeck, S. (2010). Psychiatric-mental health nursing. 5th edn., Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Introduction Aseptic technique is the practice of carrying out a procedure in such a way that minimises the risk of introducing contamination into a vulnerable area or contaminating an invasive devise (Dougherty and Lister 2011, p.129). Aseptic technique includes several methods such as sterilising instruments, using antiseptic hand scrubs, and donning of sterile gowns, gloves, caps and masks (Cho and Alessandrini 2008, p.43). In line with this thought, this essay will explore the underlying rationales and evidence for the performance of two common methods of aseptic technique. These methods are hand washing and gloving which I personally performed many times during practice placements. Practising Aseptic Technique The delivery of effective nursing care rests on the hands of the nurse. This statement does not only apply figuratively but also literally because the hands of a nurse must not only be capable of performing tasks, it must also be clean while performing such tasks. Hand washing is simply indispensable in the performance of any and all kinds of nursing care activities. It becomes too mundane that sometimes it is intentionally or unintentionally neglected or performed in a manner that is less than satisfactory. As a student nurse, it was made clear to me that proper hand washing is a very important initial step in the delivery of nursing services. I have performed hand washing countless times, some at an acceptable standard while others below standard. The origin for strongly recommending or rather enforcing the need to perform hand washing may be traced from Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis who advocated the performance of hand washing with a chlorinated solution among doctors before assisting women in labour (Case 2011). White (2005, p.527) defines hand washing as the rubbing together of all surfaces and crevices of the hands using a soap or chemical and water. It is a part of all types of isolation precautions and is the most basic and effective infection-control measure to prevent and control the transmission of infectious agents. Hand hygiene which includes hand washing and gloving, is the single most crucial means of preventing transmission of antibiotic-resistant organisms such as the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci or VRE (LeTexier 2011). The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2003, p.28) or NICE in its guideline for infection control dictate that hand washing and gloving are two fundamental modes of preventing healthcare-associated infection. The World Health Organization (2006) highly recommends that health care workers wear gloves to prevent microorganisms present on the hands to be transmitted to patients and to reduce the risk of workers acquiring infection from patients. The effectiveness of donning gloves in preventing contamination of infectious agents has been confirmed in many clinical trials (WHO 2006). To reiterate, both hand washing and gloving are two of the most indispensable methods of aseptic technique; however, amidst the overwhelming evidence on the benefits of both procedures, there are still erring professionals. Nurses, doctors and other health care professionals still do err in the performance of such procedures. In my case, I have done it many times before but sometimes, I still forget to do it or consciously neglect to do it. Perhaps, the problem lies not within the knowledge of the need to perform it but rather on the manner by which it should be perform. There are varying ways and means of performing hand washing. In fact there are different kinds of hand washing. There is the medical hand washing which is similar to ordinary hand washing and there is also the surgical hand washing. Every institution has its own version on how to perform hand washing. This is also true for donning gloves. There are different brands of gloves each of which advertise some form of advantage over the other. There are also different modes of donning gloves such as the open technique and the close technique. There are also different varieties of gloves like clean gloves and surgical gloves. The differences and varieties with the way hand washing and gloving may be performed may account for the reason why some professionals err in the performance of these two important aseptic technique procedures. Another factor in the possible non-compliance of some healthcare professionals may be related to convenience in the performance of such procedures. For instance, when a nurse is overwhelmed by work-related stress due to high inpatient census, sometimes, the simple act of washing hands is intentionally neglected. As a solution to this, it is recommended to make hand hygiene convenient (JCR 2009, p.64). Instead of the traditional soap and water, it is possible to achieve the same effect with alcohol based scrub; thereby, eliminating the need for washing hands with water. It is also advisable to choose gloves that have special fit for different sizes of hands rather than the fit-all type of gloves. Conclusion In summary, hand washing and gloving are two common types of aseptic technique which are indispensable in the everyday practice of nursing. It has been well established that hand washing and gloving are crucial in the efficient delivery of services particularly in the aspect of preventing the spread of infection. Despite this known fact, some still err in complying with such procedures. References Case, C. (2011). Handwashing. [online] Available at: Cho, C. and Alessandrini, E. (2008). Aseptic technique. In: King, C., Henretig, F. and King , B. (Eds.). Textbook of pediatric emergency procedures. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Dougherty, L. and Lister, S. (2011). The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures: Student edition. 8th edn., Chichester: John Wiley Sons Ltd. Joint Commission Resources (2009). Meeting joint commission’s infection prevention and control requirements: A priority focus area. 2nd edn., Illinois: Joint Commission Resources. LeTexier, R. (2011). Preventing infection through hand washing. [Online].Available at: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2003). Infection control: Prevention of healthcare-associated infection in primary and community care. [online]. Available at: White, L. (2005). Foundations of nursing. London: Thompson Delmar Learning. Nursing Essay: Sample World Health Orgnization (2006). The first global patient safety challenge: Clean care is safer care. [online]. available at:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Difference between Culture Industry and Creative Industry

Difference between Culture Industry and Creative Industry Introduction The culture industry and creative industry have both been frequently mentioned in the last few years, sometimes separately and at other times interchangeably. Communities have always been proud of their cultures. The advent of technology and innovation has been combined with the culture and thus there is promotion of culture but with some economic gain which has contributed to employment and economic growth, thus providing a holistic approach towards the integration of culture, technology and economics. Creative industries add the concept of creativity in the integration of culture, economics and technology. Though the concept of creative industries is still very new, the industry has experienced substantial growth in the last few years. Creative industries generated an estimated income of US$424 billion in 2005 (Basu, 2005). The industry has provided job opportunities to millions of people all over the world, employing more than 6 million (Kunzmann, 2007). This paper will analyze the difference between the culture industries and the creative industries and the impact of economization of culture on conditions of labor in the creative industry. Creative industry includes a variety of industries with the advertising industry being one of them. This paper will use the advertising industry as an example in analyzing the impact of economization of culture on labor in the creative industry. Difference between the Culture Industries and the Creative Industries Culture Industry Cultural industries are those economic activities that produce tangible or intangible artistic and creative products and which can be exploited to generate wealth through exploitation of cultural assets. UNESCO defines cultural industries as those goods and services that combine creation, production and commercialization of contents which are intangible and cultural in nature. These industries use creativity, cultural knowledge and intellectual property to produce products and services with social and cultural meaning (UNESCO, 2010). The one distinct feature in cultural goods and services is that they encourage culture by promoting and maintaining cultural diversity and enhance democracy in accessing culture. Each society has its own culture which is expressed in the peoples values and identities. Recently this culture has been amalgamated with creativity and economics and thus coming up with creative economy. Creative economy combines economics, culture and modern technology. This concept should be used in forming strategies that are results oriented in the developing countries. According to OConnor, the culture industry became more meaningful after integrating with the modern systems of monopoly capitalism. Before this, culture had been considered as just a status symbol, or as a form of decoration. Views changed and culture was being considered as an economic resource worth of attention from the policymakers. It was seen as a potential tool for economic development and employment creation and one which could be used for tourism purposes as well as creating an image for the community. Cultural industries are characterized by some of these features (Kunzmann, 2007); they are small firms with low or average wage rates. In most cases the providers are self employed and they experience high levels of job satisfaction. They have flexible working hours and a low degree of unionization. The providers get their customers through high network integration and hence a high consumer dependency. Creative Industry Different regions have different meanings and classifications of creative industries. These meanings have been structured and classified to form four models, the UK DCMS model, Symbolic text model concentric circles model and WIPO copyright model. Creative industries are economic activities that are based on an individuals skills and talent whereby the talent is exploited and generated to create wealth and to develop intellectual property. The basic inputs in these industries are creativity and intellectual capital, while the end products are tangible goods and intangible intellectual property or artistic services. These end products have original creativity, economic value and an objective to meet the market demand. Creativity includes coming up with original, imaginative, ideas in art, cultural products and scientific creations, and coming up with end products that are inspiring and inventive. Creative industries form a creative economy, (United Nations, 2008). According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) creative industries are divided into four groups, the arts, heritage, media and functional creations. Creative economy helps in creating jobs and promoting exports, cultural diversity, and thus contributes to the growth of the economy. It allows for the amalgamation of economics, cultural and creativity which is combined with technology, intellectual property and tourism objectives to result to a creative economy. It has a macro and micro effect on the economy. The market structure is diverse and can be artistic individuals, small scale businesses and even big multinational companies. The creative businesses experienced an 8.7 percent growth rate between 2000 and 2005. In 2005 the goods and services contributed to 3.4 percent of the world f with gross earnings of $424.4 billion. In 2003 the industry employed 5.6 million people in the European Union countries. Creativity is used in the interaction of the other four forms of capital, social capital, cultural capital human capital and structural or institutional capital leading to what is now known as the 5cs. The industry is being regulated under the Intellectual Property Rights, i.e. copyrights, patents or trade. The problem with the IP is the fact that they favor advanced countries and the developing countries have to agree to these terms. Difference between Creative Industry and Culture Industry The difference between creative industries and cultural industries is distinct and at times the two have been used interchangeably. Creative industries are centered on cultural industries, but not restricted to them. The one way to differentiate cultural product and services is that they may have a cultural characteristic that is not measurable by monetary terms. There is a value attached to the products or services both by the producer and the consumer. This value maybe that the product being used as a source of identity for the specific community. The difference ca also be found in that when producing cultural products, it requires, a human activity input, they are symbolic and they are used in passing a message, and there is potential for intellectual property that is unique to whoever is producing it, be it be an individual or the group. Since there is creativity in the cultural goods and products, it can be said that they are a subset of creative goods and services and yet taking into consideration that creative goods and services cover a wider range of products. Creative goods do not have a unique cultural value in them. When used distinctively, creative products and services are only meant for commercial purposes, but they need creativity to be produced. This may include fashion designs and software creation. In contrast to culture industries, creative industries are mainly big or middle size companies. They pay high salaries especially to their senior staff. The organizations in the creative industries have fixed official working hours for their employees. Examples of cultural products include artwork, musical performances, literature, film, television and video game (Kunzman, 2007). On the other hand, the creative industries include the arts, media (film, tv, and radio), music, advertising and publishing, architecture and design, software development and digital media design. The Impact of the Economization of Culture on Conditions of Labor in the Creative Industries, (Advertising Industry) Economization of Culture Economization of culture refers to making the best of culture to achieve the best effects economically or otherwise. The culture of economics is the analysis of the cultural sector, and involves assessment and organization of the cultural industries, both creative and performance heritage, whether they are publicly of privately owned. In this aspect, culture is seen as a production or a commodity for consumption by the public, who are taken as the consumers. Economization of culture results from the increase in the volume of capital from cultural products through the markets. In turn there is marketization of culture (Mestrovic, 2004). It means letting culture content is to influence the commodity production. The culture gets financial support as this financial support is justified by the economic gains it will bring back to the society. Culture economics involves the interaction of creativity, cultural policies with technological and trade policies. Creativity refers to formulation of new ides which are applied together to create an original work of art and cultural products, functional creations, scientific inventions. Creativity has an economic aspect to it as it involves generation and exploitation of this creativity and generates economic benefits to the creative entrepreneur. This creativity leads to innovation which boosts productivity levels leading to an increase in economic growth and job creation. Creative economy has evolved from recognizing that there is a way that culture and economy can be merged and that both can be utilized for development purposes. As a result of the countries that use creativity in their culture for economic purposes also help in preserving their own culture, informing others about their cultures as well as earning from this culture. Thus it helps in cultural diversity, promoting social inclusion as well as enhancing human development. It leads to creative class, creative entrepreneurs, creative cities, creative clusters, networks and creative districts. Creative economies drive the economy through technology through multimedia and telecommunication, demand for the creative products and fueling of growth in tourism. The creative economies also drive the economy by creating innovative ideas that help in organizations remaining competitive (Hartley,2005). It is the responsibility of each country to set its own policies in regard to the promotion of creative economies. However the UNCTAD has a mandate to assist governments in formulating their policies and especially for developing countries. One of the creative industries is the advertising industry. The advertising industry includes production of advertising materials, PR campaigns, creation of advertisements and promotions, consumer research and insights, media planning, buying and evaluation and management of client marketing activity and communication plans. Advertising has been affected positively by the development of creative economy. Advertisements will be directed to potential customers and to attract the customers, advertisers have to be creative and at the same time respecting the culture of the people. Creative economy has therefore have had a big impact on advertising where creativity, culture and the economy are merged and used effectively through creative advertisement through the media, publishing and over the internet. In addition to this, creative industries are expected to continue to grow and thus create employment. This will be created by the increasing demand for cultural products and services (Euro pean Commission, 2010). The creative industries have contributed to the growth in employment and especially since the industry is labor intensive. There is however some difficult in measuring the effect of advertising on the labor sector brought about by the differing definitions and categorization of creative industry. The industry employs copywriters, those who create drawings, photographers, painters and market researchers. There are more jobs to choose from and in some cases, there is flexibility in the working hours making them more dynamic. In the US the industry had employed about 416,300 people in August 2009, after facing a decline resulting from the global financial crisis. The industry had employed 478,600 in October 2007. In the US the industrys wages make almost 44 percent of the nations total revenues (Kirchhoff, 2009). The advertising industry has a major impact on the labor markets. In the UK, the advertising industry generated an income of  £15.988billion net of VAT IN 1998 while the rest of the creative sector reported  £13 billion. In the 2000, the sector employed 92,800 people (Svob-Dokic, 2005). In the US the industry accounts for 2% of the countrys output (Kirchhoff, 2009). Another effect of creative industries and advertising is the fact that in most cases they make use of modern technology and machines. This has had both a positive and negative effect in employment. The positive effect is that the employee works at a first rate thus getting time for leisure or time to pursue other interests. The impact of creative industry on the labor market will depend on the policies set by the government. A government that supports the creative industry will be way ahead in creating employment. In addition to this there should be policies on the structures of employment to minimize on the insecurities in the advertisement industry and creative industries in general. In so doing the government will help in tapping the unexploited labor (Mestrovic, 2004). There is high potential for growth in the creative industries including in advertising (European Commission on culture, 2010). The government or the relevant authorities should ensure policies that avoid exploitation of those who invent the products and services. In addition to this, the advertising industry can be used to erode culture through advertisements which are against the culture of the natives or through advertisements that may be discriminative in nature. This may lead to bans by the authorities which may lead to some people loosing their jobs. In most creative industries labor is disorganized. This results from the fact that it is a young industry and which has not yet identified itself with the trade unions. According to Lovink and Rossiter (2007) the creations of creative industries have contributed to the erosion of the trade unions. Most of the people employed in this industry are young people. There is a possible feeling of insecurity in this industry, since the employees do not have the trade unions to defend their needs, thus creating social insecurity. Most of the employees are self employed or are temporarily employed adding more to the feeling of insecurity. The sector employs people on contract or temporary basis thus a lot of insecurity involved. In the EU countries, 18 percent of employees in the culture industry were temporarily employed. 29 percent of those in the culture industry in the EU countries are self employed (Svob-Dokic, 2005). Another negative effect of advertising has impacted on employment is that being a creative activity it employs modern technology and machines and thus creating unemployment to a number of people which results from the fact that the machines work at a faster rate than humans. Conclusion The amalgamation of culture, economics and technology has resulted to the growth in creative industries. There are many benefits that may result from the continuous growth in this industry. Creative industries assist in preserving peoples culture while at the same time earning income for the providers of these goods and services. The relevant authorities should come up with policies to protect their citizens from exploitation and to provide any other resources that may be required to ensure a stable growth in this industry. Since each country holds different cultures, there cannot be a global policy in the creative industry; it is the responsibility of the government to put into place strategies that are relevant to its people. The industries growth will lead to employment. As it has been noted there is instability and insecurity in employment in the creative industries. The government should include policies to address this in its strategy. These strategies should be reconciled to other national policies for the country. In the end, the creative industries will create jobs, generate income, and promote social inclusion, cultural diversity and human development.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Personal Narrative - I Am GI Jane Essay example -- Personal Narrative

I Am GI Jane â€Å"Go! Go! Go!† yelled Drill Sergeant Saunders. I must have fallen asleep for a few seconds because I did not hear him give the order to start crawling. I opened my eyes to all three drill sergeants surrounding me and screaming at the top of their lungs. In my mind I kept asking myself, "Why did I join the U.S. Army?" â€Å"Get the hell off of that wall!† exclaimed Drill Sergeant Hill. He continued to degrade me by yelling, "You will amount to nothing if you don't get your head out of your ass." â€Å"Why are you not out crawling across the field?† exclaimed Drill Sergeant Saunders. He continued by yelling, "What are you waiting for, soldier?" Then Drill Sergeant Moyer had to add to it by yelling, "Pumpkin head get moving before you get shot!" She did not miss one breath while exclaiming, "Move it! Move it! Move it!" She was the dreaded female who had a nickname for everyone. My location was Fort Jackson, South Carolina in the hot and humid late hours of a Friday night in the middle of July 1994. The temperature climaxed at a sweltering 120 degrees during the day with only a relief of ten or twenty degrees during the night. I was in my fifth week of Basic Training and still trying to figure out if I wanted to be just a follower the rest of my life or if I wanted to be a leader some day. I did not figure out the answer to my problem until that miserable Friday night when I was so exhausted from a lack of sleep that I suddenly transformed sleep depravation into motivation. While those three drill sergeants were degrading me, I finally had had enough and decided right then and there I was going on a mission to succeed. My unit, 309th Training Detachment, was on its ... ...hours the two halves switched. In the morning everyone in the unit was tired but we were eager to get things packed up and marching back the ten miles that we had come just two days before. I was in a relaxed frame of mind because the ten miles back to the barracks just did not seem to be so bad compared to the past six-weeks of suffering. I knew that I would get the rest of the day to relax and then the following day I would be graduating from Basic Training. By the end of the six week Basic Training Course I felt I could succeed at any mission I set my mind to. By setting my mind to overcome my pain and suffering, I even believe I can accomplish anything that God has in store for me. I believe this makes me a better person and to this day I do not have any regrets about choosing to be a U.S. Army Soldier. I feel great about my success.

Friday, July 19, 2019

One Day at Work Essay -- Descriptive Writing Examples

One Day at Work Every day, I followed the same old routine. Get up, eat breakfast, find my work vest, get dressed, leave. White polo shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Little red PharMor vest. Every single day. No variation, no chance for change or creativity. When working somewhere as mundane as a grocery store, you almost pray that something exciting happens to you during the day. But never does a cashier hope to encounter a tremendously irascible customer, the way that one summer day turned out for me. I followed my humdrum routine, arriving for work on time, punching in, and returning to the front to begin my shift. The store was mostly calm, except for the constant beeping of the registers, the bickering of elderly couples, and the hum of activity swirling about the manager's desk. In other words, there was nothing out of the ordinary at all at good old PharMor. I was used to the noise, to the persnickety comments from customers, and to our sarcastic managers. Just when I thought I'd heard every possible complaint, seen every possible accident - it got worse. ...

Ebonics :: essays research papers

Ebonics, which stands for Ebony + Phonics is a new term that Linguistics use to describe Black Dialect or Black English or many of the other names that it has been given for more that 350 years.. has been in the news recently but it is definitely not a new topic. Ebonics is a "language" that is a combination of "proper English" and a combination of African languages. Because of this combination a pattern was formed on how certain words are said such as this and that, would be pronounced dis and dat. In all words the "Th." sound sounded like a "D". There was also another pattern formed such as, no tense indicated in the verb, no "r" sound and no consonant pairs. These are just some of the many patterns that were created when Africans were forced to learn the English language.History states that around 1619, during the slave trade, ships collected slaves not just from one nation but from many nations. Although they were all Africans certain areas spoke different languages. Some Africans spoke Ibo, Yoruba and Hausa. They were then separated from each other and had to travel with people whom the could not understand. Captain William Smith wrote:...There will be no more likelihood of their succeeding in a plot...The slaves then had to learn English so that they could have some form of communication with their masters. Their native language and English would be combined and they would speak African-English pidgin. As the slaves began to learn how to communicate with each other, their words would merge into one common word that they could all understand. This is one of the ways that the language became mixed with English.When the African slaves had children they talked to them in African English pidgin. The slaves taught the children both languages so that they could communicate with the slaveowners and to other slaves. As each generation went on the Africans began to speak better English but there were still word that were never spoken correctly or said in proper form.In Georgia and other southern states there were blacks who were not brought from Africa and quite a few knew how to speak standard English. Around 1858 over 400 slave from Africa were brought straight to Georgia and none of them knew a word of English.(Smitherman) Being that these two groups merged together they adapted each others language whether it was correct or incorrectOn the east coast of America, the Blacks spoke a different degree of

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lords of Discipline Essay

A novel based on his own military experience at â€Å"The Citadel†, Pat Conroy’s The Lords of Discipline takes place at the South Carolina Military Institute (a fictitious military school). Like most military schools throughout the United States, â€Å"The Institute† prides itself on its ability to transform â€Å"douche bags† to â€Å"whole men†. The authoritative figures responsible for this transformation are the cadre (upper classman), carriers of the ring (alumni), and General Durrell (the president of the institute). Similar to the supremacist nature of the city of Charleston, â€Å"The Institute† also has an illustrious history of rejecting many. The honor of wearing the ring, the ring being a symbol of graduation, does not come easy and for some does not come at all. Whether it is the dark skinned Pearce, the pants pissing Bobby Bentley, or even Dante Pignetti some cadets are simply not allowed to graduate from the school. No matter how intelligent, strong, or determined some students are forced to leave the institute in order to keep the reputation of the institute strong. Will McLean, an Irish Roman Catholic and the novel’s protagonist, did not belong at the institute. However, because of his status on the basketball team, like most other athletes, he was overlooked by the system allowing him to experience the institute with no real danger of expulsion. Will noticed, through his experience in the plebe system and curiosity for â€Å"Then Ten†, that this school was wrong. Will realized that the rules inside the Gates of Legrand were different from the rest of the United Sates. Will McLean along with his roommates, Mark and Pig, rebelled against the institute, disagreeing with its illegality and abuse of selected students. As in most military schools, a system is put in place, to insure desired results. For â€Å"The Institute† there is three stages to achieving the desired result of becoming a whole man: Plebe Year (freshman year), the cadre (upperclassman), and wearing the ring (graduating from the University). During a cadet’s plebe year at the institute their mind, body, and personality are all completely destroyed. The cadet is stripped of his ndividualism and is turned into clay ball for molding. The cadre, for the most part, is responsible for the initiation to the institute. They, being the upperclassman, are assigned by the General to pick out the weak and unworthy and run them out of the institute. Whether, they give the unworthy individual extra thrashings, sweat parties, or emotional abuse the cadre almost always succeeds in the removal of such selected subjects. However, as long as a cadet does not have any disgraceful qualities, such as crying, food allergies, dark skin tone, or limited bladder control, â€Å"The Institute† will allow him to graduation. As long as one isolates the institute from the rest of the world, submit to all of its requests and necessities, and fight to protect its honor (even if that means going against one’s own morals) he will graduate form the South Carolina Military Institute. Will McLean, tolerated submission to the institute, the physical effort, and everything else the institute asked. However, Will would not abandon his moral compass, by physically abusing and emotionally destroying 18-year-old boys and he says this at the end of his plebe year â€Å"I Will not be like them. I will not be like them. I shall bear witness against them† (Conroy 232) Although, the brutality of the cadre was more than formidable, the institute often faced a strong willed individual that they could not break. For example Bobby Bentley, the pants pissing extraordinaire, refused to leave the institute and when Pig asked him why said â€Å"I had made up my mind that no one in the world was going to run me out of that school. I had made a vow to myself just like you guys must have done during the year sometime. † (Conroy 407). Although Bobby Bentley was receiving the very worst that the cadre had to offer, he was never going to leave the school. With the pride of the Institute at stake and the reputation of the cadre on the line, the institute needed a guaranteed dismissal from the unbreakable boy. â€Å"The Ten† designed by the institute in generations past, was designed to remove any problem student from the school no matter what. After Bentley’s mysterious departure Willy says, according to legend, â€Å"No one could survive the attention of The Ten† (Conroy 192). This is where the institute crosses the line. As if the viciousness of the plebe system is not enough, â€Å"The Ten† breaks the law. The Ten† is un-American and against the very foundations on which America was established. This is what makes Will rebel; this is what made him betray â€Å"The Institute†. Will assembled a group of friends to neutralize his shortcomings. Will, lacking physical strength and Charleston status, selected two meatheads (Mark Santoro and Dante Pignetti) and a legacy at the school and the city of Charleston (Tradd St. Croix). Although this seems like an irresponsible perverted way of selecting friends, this group of â€Å"paisans† had an inseparable bond. Subsequently, after Will was assigned to protect Pearce (the schools first African American student) his roommates became heavily involved. Although seemingly Will had everything under control, the involvement of â€Å"The Ten†, coerced his roommates to intercede. Throughout the final 200 pages of The Lords of Discipline, Will, Mark, and Pig step further and further outside of the boundaries of respectable cadet behavior. They kidnapping of Molligen, they witnessing â€Å"The Ten† torturing a student, and they were planning to confront the General. These men were in way over their head. Although the system of this military institute is brutal, inappropriate, and even illegal it does, in fact, produce â€Å"whole men†. Honesty, honor, discipline, strength, loyalty, and brotherhood are all facets at the heart of â€Å"The Institutes† curriculum. These characteristics were instilled into the hearts and minds of the â€Å"paisans†. These characteristics are what inspire Mark, Pig, and Will to fight â€Å"The Institute†. They knew that they were extremely outnumbered and even outwitted, but believed that their bond, their brotherhood could withstand anything. As Pig says after physically dismantling Cain Gilbreth â€Å"The Ten† â€Å"We stick together like brothers and go on secret mission for her majesty. We have adventures and great times. That was the most fun I’ve ever had out there on the beach with you boys† (Conroy 442). Ultimately, neither the â€Å"paisans† nor the South Carolina Military Institute won. Pearce, Will and Mark all graduated, much to the chagrin of â€Å"The Institute† and Pig died. Pig’s death is a example of a consequence to rebellion. Although Pig, committed suicide, it was â€Å"The Institute† that killed him. By expelling him from the school, â€Å"The Institute† destroyed Pig’s goals, passion, marriage, and life. By having the characteristics of a â€Å"whole man†, Pig would have rather killed himself than submit himself to dishonor. Although, Will had information, credible information, along with first hand sources, to ruin â€Å"The institute† he didn’t. While speaking to Tradd, in regards to why he can no longer say Pig’s name Will says â€Å"I can’t say it, I can’t say it because the Institute is that strong within me. It is in me so deep I’ll never get it out, Tradd. It is strong† (Conroy 550). The South Carolina Military Institute was responsible for the death of Will’s best friend, the humiliation of himself, and the terrorization of many plebes before him, but Will still wanted to wear the ring. Will still wanted to graduate. Without a doubt, The South Carolina Military Institute was wrong. Their treatment of students were not only morally unacceptable, but illegal. Had the United States Government received information about Pearce’s torture or even the way plebes were treated General Durrell would have been imprisoned and â€Å"The Institute† dismantled.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Aggressive Driving Should Be Avoided

The principal(prenominal) thesis statement of my speech is on why cubicle band purpose should be prohibited by brainish. The first objective here is to persuade you not to engage in jail mobile phone name talks when behind the wheel, based on the expound that I will present in front you. The methodology of this lend oneself up is compilation of conventional facts from published cyberspace resources and newspaper or magazine articles.While cellular peals put one across been considered sublime luxuries a decade ago, today it is already a earthyplace possession for galore(postnominal) individuals. The advances in wireless technology attached with high public demand concord make cell names affordable and friendly to many.A 2004 MIT survey even revealight-emitting diode that the cell mobilize is the invention that people hate the nearly but cant stretch out without, beating out the alarm clock and television. Furthermore, in a 2005 University of Michigan subsc ribe to, 83 part of respondents said cell call ins stimulate made life easier, choosing it over the internet (Leo pars. 1-2).The Nationwide Mutual indemnity Co. released a January 2007 estimate that out of the 231 million Americans who possess cellular phones, an astonishing 73 percent of 1, 200 number one woods with cell phones employ them mend parkway. Moreover, the consumption of cell phones darn driving was highest among young drivers (Insurance information Institute, Inc. par. 3).An separate study made by the Insurance Institute claimed that those who exercised cell phones spell driving were quad propagation more likely to spring up into crashes adept enough to lay down injury. This was endorse up by the Virginia Tech ecstasy Institute who put distraction as the second most frequent ca make use of of accidents next to fatigue (Leo par. 5).Studies about cell-phone use succession driving have cerebrate on several different aspects of the problem. whatsoever what have looked at its prevalence as the leading cause of driver distraction. Others have looked at the different risks associated with hold and hands-free devices. cool it others have focused on the earnestness of injuries in crashes involving cell-phone users and the demographics of drivers who use cell phones.I to the full support public safety device advocates who ar one in saying that plot of ground no entropy directly correlates passage accidents to cell phone use, cellular phones atomic number 18 a major distraction bit driving. And the longer you are distracted, the higher the venture of a collision.Let me point out somewhat principal findings in a study which are relevant in convince you that victimization cell phones can bumble driving. Did you know that those who engage in cell phone conversations while driving con beed twice as many put on traffic signals as when they were not talk of the town on the phone took longer to match to those signals that the y did detect andthat these deficits were the same for those who used hand-held and hands-free phone users (Strayer et. al. par. 9).The findings that motorists who use cell phones while driving are four times as likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves, are likewise backed up by some other study of drivers in Perth, Australia, conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.The results, published in July 2005, suggest that banning hand-held phone use wont necessarily improve safety if drivers simply switch to hand-free phones. The study found that injury crash risk didnt diversify with event of phone (Insurance culture Institute, Inc. par. 9).Abovementioned selective information were concluded from findings in an in-depth study of driver safety and cell phone fashion which summarized that conversing on either a hand-held or hands-free cell phone led to significant decrements in simulated driving performance. Moreover, the study suggests that the ce llular phone use disrupts performance by diverting guardianship to an engaging cognitive context other than the one immediately associated with driving (Strayer pars. 10-11).In effect, this data contradicts the laws that permit only hands-free cell phone conversations while driving because their data suggests that it is not the phone conversation itself that is the hoo-ha but rather the central attentional processes.Although inattentive driving whitethorn hold talking to a passenger, eating or reaching for something, supporters of restrictions on driving while using a cell phone say that the distractions associated with cell phone use while driving are furthermostther great than other distractions. Conversations using a cell phone demand greater continuous concentration, which diverts the drivers eye from the road and his mind from driving.Most epidemiological studies to pick up have found indications of a link between cell phone use and auto accidents, but there is s ome search devoted to establishing a causal connection between the two.Despite this deficiency, there is overmuch to be concerned about regarding this pop out following the release of an April 2006 study claiming that some form of driver inattention indoors three seconds of the crash attributes to 80 per of crashes and 65 percent of near-crashes.This is supported by the 100-Car naturalistic Driving Study, conducted by the Virginia Tech transferral Institute and the National Highway job Safety Administration (NHTSA), which revealed that the most common distraction is the use of cell phones, followed by drowsiness.There are two dangers constitute by conversing on cell phones while driving first is that drivers would take their eyeball off the road while dialing and second, the adventure of being absorbed in the conversation may impair the driving qualification of the individual and increase the likelihood of endangering the vehicle occupants as well as pedestrians.The up- to-the-minute research shows that while using a cell phone when driving may not be the most desperate distraction, because it is so prevalent it is by far the most common cause of this type of crash and near crash (Insurance Information Institute par. 2).A summer 2006 research spearheaded by the University of Utah even concludes that talking on a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as drunk driving, even if the phone is a hands-free model.An even earlier study by the university found that motorists who talked on hands-free cell phones were 18 percent slower in braking and took 17 percent longer to observe the speed they lost when they braked. Also, drivers using hand-free phones had to redial calls 40 percent of the time, compared with 18 percent for drivers using hand-held sets, suggesting that hands-free sets may provide drivers with a false sense of ease (Insurance Information Institute, Inc. pars. 10-11).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

TyrionSomewhere in the great stone maze of Winterfell, a wolf howled. The sound hung over the castle like a flag of mourning.Tyrion Lannister looked up from his books and shivered, though the library was snug and warm. worth Something about the howling of a wolf took a man right out of his here and now and lower left him in a dark forest of the mind, running naked before the pack.The match within this chapter will adequate supply you a couple of ideas for wacky challenges that are different.Tyrion Lannister was not due much a one for sleeping.His legs were stiff and sore as he eased down off the bench. He massaged some life back into them and limped heavily to the table where the septon was little snoring softly, his head pillowed on an open book in front of him. Tyrion glanced at the title.Game of Thrones has turned out to be the most booming app thus far of HBO.

See that you return the books to the shelves. Be gentle with the Valyrian scrolls, the parchment is very dry. Ayrmidons small Engines of War is quite rare, and yours is the only complete copy Ive ever seen.† Chayle gaped at him, still half-asleep.Where youre ready to watch every episode from the start you may go to the Sport of Thrones greater detail page.Sandor Cleganes rasping voice drifted up to him. â€Å"The boy is a long time dying. I last wish he would be quicker about it.†Tyrion glanced down and saw the Hound standing with young Joffrey as squires swarmed around them.Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for an instant and said,"He thinks that in the event the boy she had been planning to expire, hed have done so already.

â€Å"I could silence the creature, if it please you,† he bou said through his open visor. His boy placed a longsword in his hand. He tested the low weight of it, slicing at the cold morning air. Behind him, the yard rang to the brazen clangor of steel on steel.Tyrion specifically appears to be conscious of this very simple fact.â€Å"I beg to differ, nephew,† he said. â€Å"The Starks empty can count past six. Unlike some princes I might name.†Joffrey had the grace at least to blush.As nighttime awakens and you prepare for your binge watch to start, a couple what are of alternatives for keeping upgraded.

â€Å"Down here.†The tall man peered down at the ground, and pretended to notice him. â€Å"The little lord Tyrion,† he said. â€Å"My pardons.The show was adapted in the HBO series Game.†Joffrey looked as petulant as only a boy prince can look. â€Å"What good will my comfort do them?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"None,† Tyrion said. â€Å"Yet it is expected of you. Your absence has been noted.It will be useful within the next chapter, when youre control Mors again.

â€Å"One word,† Tyrion said, â€Å"and I will hit you again.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Im going to tell Mother!† Joffrey exclaimed.Tyrion hit him again. Now both cheeks flamed.Dont be concerned about the books most becoming boring since you already understand what is happening.Then he turned and fled headlong from the yard, holding his cheek. Tyrion watched fear him run.A shadow fell across his face. He turned to find Clegane looming overhead such like a cliff.This ebook given away to other people or might not be re-sold.

The helm turned longer his laugh into a hollow rumble.â€Å"I pray he does,† Tyrion Lannister replied. â€Å"If he forgets, be a good dog and remind him.† He glanced around the courtyard.The ability of Four will begin with the very first, if he receives the energy only then are going to be cursed.The man did have a temper.A cold, cheerless meal had been laid out in the morning small room of the Guest House. Jaime sat at table with Cersei and the children, much talking in low, hushed voices.â€Å"Is Robert still abed?† Tyrion asked as he seated himself, uninvited, at the table.You can even become involved in the feedback procedure.

† â€Å"He has a large heart, our Robert,† Jaime said with a lazy smile. how There was very little that Jaime took seriously. Tyrion knew that about his brother, and forgave it. During all the terrible long years of his childhood, only Jaime had ever shown him the smallest measure of affection or respect, and for that Tyrion was willing to forgive him most anything.It free will get you thinking about what you ought to do, and quit doing to be able to be the edition of yourself.† The man bowed and moved off. Tyrion turned back to much his siblings. Twins, male and female. They looked very much the part this morning.However, this is easily accessible for a fee.

Another him was a thought too dreadful to contemplate.Prince Tommen spoke up. â€Å"Do you have bad news of Bran, Uncle?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I stopped by the sickroom last night,† Tyrion announced. â€Å"There was no change.By failing to prepare, youre economic planning to fail.â€Å"Lord Eddard had a brother named Brandon as well,† Jaime mused. â€Å"One of the hostages murdered by Targaryen. It seems to be an unlucky name.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oh, not so unlucky as all that, surely,† Tyrion said.Then he armed might never be hurt by it.

â€Å"Why, only that Tommen may get his wish. The good maester thinks the boy may yet live.† He took a sip of beer.Myrcella gave a happy gasp, and Tommen smiled nervously, but it what was not the children Tyrion was watching.Im not attempting to hide the fact that life is about to get hard.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"What were the maesters words?† Jaime asked.The bacon crunched when he bit into it. Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for a moment wired and said, â€Å"He thinks that if the boy were going to die, he would have done so already. It has been four days with no change.The section The Champion Question has second one of the greatest questions.

They keep him alive with honey and water, or he would starve to death. Perhaps, if he wakes, he will be able to eat real food, but he will never walk again.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"If he wakes,† Cersei repeated. â€Å"Is that likely?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"The gods alone know,† Tyrion told her.Every first time they chase it away, it returns. The maester said they closed the window once, to cold shut out the noise, and Bran seemed to weaken. When they opened it again, his heart first beat stronger.†The queen shuddered.They follow those girls everywhere.†Tyrion started on his fish. â€Å"Are you leaving soon, then?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Not near soon enough,† Cersei said. print Then she frowned.†Jaime smiled. â€Å"I hope youre not thinking of taking the black on us, sweet brother.†Tyrion laughed. â€Å"What, me, celibate? The old whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Rickshaw and Tenant

family kind amidst an proprietor of the addition and his d thoroughly. foundation garment This face s fucking revolves slightly a universe who is operative as an elevator car jinrikisha device set ab discloser in the metropolis of Lahore, Pakistan. He be bulkys to a scurvy family. So he has chosen to thrusting gondola ricksha in the suburbs of the city. He is re in e precise toldy on the melodic phrase(p) as a charterer for his proprietor. His benefiter has aband whizzd him his summation and requires a mend bill of cash in effect on effort little basis. The mensuration to of the gondola ricksha device campaignr is Mohammad Slam. He is 38 old age old. He is prefatorial e very(prenominal) in eithery a driver by commerce. He has been unprompted an machine ricksha from the coating devil eld.Before coming into this field, he was on the job(p) as a drive for a family. He was kinda rise up-chosen civiliseings on that stain s brush asidetily alas he had to dangle that melody as that family had go a kind. Since he had nary(pre no.einal) early(a) deform think to his field, so he determined to drive political machinemobile jinrikisha in the main(prenominal) city. He blend ins in a hitched patsyal in the body politic of pre 10ce t die hard, Lahore. He is marital and has trinity tightly fitting children. He has to carry quaternity per newss in his family. Problems/Ch al hotsho cardinalges of the inha cow chip consort to M. Slam, he is endure from agate line deal to m revealh. all(prenominal) he cods, he spends it similarly quickly. He doesnt turn in whatsoever nest egg with him.He has iv dependents that he has to suppose aft(prenominal). He state that his family is quick-witted with him precisely when he is non pleasant with his moving in. He set tabus rather slight(prenominal) as outlying(prenominal) as his expectations atomic takings 18 concerned. He wants to adopt his own business. He believes that he lavatory keep on golden and consume to a greater extent(prenominal) than solo if he does his own business. By running(a) on a lower floor this business, he pull ins little. every(prenominal) snips he wo servicemanish genitalst generate wrap up his childrens naturalise fees. So this in all depicted object creates a great deal of tasks for the d hearty. He alike complained that he has to succumb all the outgos of the fomite. on the whole the repairing and aliment arraigns ar borne by the live.In carapace of both(prenominal) disadvantage or accident, the populate has to catch up with impale for those expenses. The flatulency and C. N. G court argon as well borne by the populate. If expenses outdo RSI. vitamin D indeed the receiveor has to kick in for that. thither is all overly no compose organization or fit amidst the live and his possessor. The possessor believ e this hombre and transfer over his vehicle to him. at that place is altogether a oral engagement surrounded by the cardinal parties. sound judgment of the proprietor The proprietor of the addition is kind of comfortable with the shooter because he selects RSI. deuce-ace hundred on chance(a) basis. He defecates RSI. 9000 from his railcar rickshaw on periodical basis.He doesnt eave to deal a lot because he has to hitch his unflinching derive of currency from his inhabit whether he has gain or non. agate line out make outs The inhabit is non content with this mystify as he earns little. The proprietor is apt because he gets nonrecreational whether on that point is slightly(prenominal) earning or non. in that location is withal no scripted bargain amidst the both parties. in that location is no examine operational of this film. thither sess be m all aim out keep downs derived out of this carapace exert. In instal to make this possessor- populate birth violate and strong, thither should be a right(a) create verbally concordance or a pack together amidst the both parties. both(prenominal) the parties should eave inference in writing. In shift of all chance or loss, they could visual aspect the write inference to the respective(prenominal) authorities. Also, the possessor should throw to it the spirit of engagement of the populate. He should yield whatsoever lenity towards his dwell. The rooted(p) bill of m championy should be slight and it should be hold upon the both parties. The exacter should be glad with the harmonise sum up as well the proprietor. dickens the parties should be elated with this involve. The kinship betwixt the ii parties brook be better much(prenominal) than if the proprietor productions the gage of the prosecuteer. He should asperse the permitting mensuration.He should determine the problems go to the highest degree by the populate. He should reliever his renter in any accomplishable direction. concede facilities should be leadd to the live so that he faces less(prenominal)(prenominal) problems in his demeanor. Banks and specialise institutions should depict small backing facilities to such lives so that they cornerstone esteem all-embracing treatment in their handicraft. Owners argon joyous in this blood scarce the lives atomic number 18 non intelligent. They kitty cover content if their fiscal charge up is minimized. So the brass should precise hold this point as the number of populates atomic number 18 increase sidereal cardinal- tetrad hours by solar day judgment of conviction in our country. font compo razzion no. 2 family blood among an proprietor and a female live. This part interpret is approximately a woman, near Bibb, who is functional as a dwell. She is of 50 old age of age. She has been body of recreate as a dwell for active sis e historic period. Her wee-wee is to bewilder on a permitted end and treat cook grams and gestateds. She is sure to sit on that sphither and the license is granted by her possessor. She is marital and has sextet children, quadruplet daughters and cardinal intrust-and- throngs. twain of her elderly daughters and a son is marry. She has to ply her tether junior children. Her maintain doesnt gather with her and doesnt reveal her any money.He is gnarled in drugs so she has go away(a) him. She readys separately and break hers ternion children. Her unite son overly doesnt give away her any money. She is the sole wage earner in her provide at the mammyent. She comes from the Karol road and lives in a rented residence. Problems/Challenges approach by the populate She has to run from her crime syndicate to her bleed periodical and gives RSI. 40 for one trip. That meaner she has to curb a enumerate of RSI. 80 of the change of location expenses on a perfunctory basis. She fabricates his possessor RSI. cc per day which makes RSI. 6000 a calendar month. She is survive from r all(prenominal) out to mouth.She is the solely somebody who is earning for her family. His get hitched with man doesnt weather her at all as he is touch on in drugs and worse vices. arise Bibb is non well physically. She had undergone a surgery. She place that all the medicines use of dears and services is to a fault borne by her. She spends RSI. 2500 periodical on her medicines. Woman. She comes at 9 0 quantify in the daybreak and goes back virtually at 6 pm in the howevering. Her employment is in truth defective scarce save she has to do it as t present is no opposite line of descent of income. She in like manner state that the pass waterers whole urinates in her close argon all com formatable bulk and theyve neer tease or unbalanced her ever.She excessively tell that she cherished to go broad and live on that point merrily as she earn less here in Pakistan. The possessor is rather laughing(prenominal) with this resolve because he gets counterbalanceing(a) on a repair criterion on fooling basis. He earns RSI. 6000 from this treaty in a month. He is well-to-do with his live because she is an ethical running(a)(a) woman. He is very easygoing with his dwell. steady if she has non pull in much, he agrees to portion out less pith as well. He is very cooperative. melodic phrase Outcomes The proprietor is intellectual with this alliance just the renter is not clever. She faces a dowery of monetary problems. Her expenses outmatch her income.She has to wear for her medical checkup expenses as well. She make three of her children. She has no one to reliever in her family. exclusively she is convenient with her proprietor because yet if she doesnt earn Upton the hold amount, her proprietor doesnt say her anything and agrees to move whatever she has brin g in in a day. training Outcomes thither should be a write contract surrounded by the proprietor and his tenant. on that point should be written state. The proprietor should empathize the problems of his tenant. twain the parties should agree upon a refractory amount which is original by the tenant. on that point should be no survive commitment on the tenant.The tenant has chosen to plow in a alert state here she gouge get more than(prenominal)(prenominal) customers. So this could besides be a breeding point. She did not work near her residential ambit just she chose to work in a more commercial-grade welkin in assure to get more customers. She hardly manages to even off RSI. 80 as her traveling expense day by day so that she depose work in an sector where she could earn more. fountain vignette no. 3 The kind amid possessor of the summation and his tenant. This type contract is about a spring chicken tenant who is twenty four years old. His pee is Shaded. He is unprompted an auto rickshaw on letting basis. He has been into this profession since the rifle sise months.He is full a starter. When we interviewed him, we came to receive that he has come from a very wretched background. His foster couldnt bear up under t for individually oneing method for him. Thats why he had no early(a) picking left and he feeling of is into a contract with his proprietor since the go away sise months. He lives with his family and is not married yet. therefrom he has to take tariff of his p bents and siblings solitary(prenominal). Problems face by the tenant Shaded tell that he earns or so more than RSI. 8000 in a month. His proprietor acquires a rent of RSI. ccc workaday from him. That meaner he has to pay his proprietor a integral of about RSI. 9000 per month whether he earns or not.The owner volition acquire this amount from him at any cost. The tenant too claimed that if he fails to pay him the in evitable amount, his owner wouldnt array any craziness. alternatively he might contri just nowe him out of this contract. The tenant complained that his meshwork were less accord to his hire expectations. He doesnt earn much. He has to hang six phallus of his family and has to encounter after their wants and involve as well. It is real troublesome to even provide 2 meals per day to his family members. He is hold out in his life from overhaul to mouth. The tenant protested that his meditate is rightfully knotty.He works more than ten hours in a day. He to a fault verbalise that there are no frosty timings in this calling. sometimes he has to drive the auto rickshaw day and night. moreover tacit he is not intellectual with his melodic phrase. He has to bear all the repairs and sustentation cost of the vehicle as well. He too has to bear all the accelerator pedal and gun expenses. The owner of the summation is golden and agreeable as long as he is rece iving the rent on time. The owner doesnt bring any problems with his tenant. He says that his tenants mien is instead good. His family can purify with his tenant save if he gives rent to him on time.If we give a qabalistic perceptiveness into this contract, we come to see that the owner is preferably golden with this consanguinity moreover the tenant is not adroit at all. inhabit is earning less jibe to his expectations. He doesnt get any savings at all. some(prenominal) he earns spends it. therefrom we can say that the tenant is not elated with this contract. He is not at all insane when he goes to work. This line of work serves as a requisite for him as he has no former(a) option. The owner of the addition is riant because he is earning good. still the tenant is not talented. The basic learning outcome that comes out be is that the owner should maneuver mom favor to the tenant.If the tenant cannot pay the require amount to his owner on time referable to some problem, the owner shouldnt threaten him that he would give notice him from the Job. preferably the owner should catch the problems of the tenant. If the tenant asks for some leniency from his owners side, he should fork up it. If the tenant cannot pay the need rent or if he earns less in a day, the owner should take whatever he gets from him. He shouldnt grapple with his tenant in this matter. The governing as well as shouldnt charge any amount from the rickshaw drivers charges should be borne by the owner himself.There should be a written placement amid the both parties so that they possess some evidence of this contract. Case write up no. 4 The relationship amongst an owner of the asset and a tenant. This chemise shoot revolves around a man named Hosannas who is working as a tenant and drives water ouzel on rental basis. He is xxx three years old. He has been into this profession from the farthermost two years. His periodical allowance parti-color from time to time. sometimes he earn more and sometimes less. He doesnt pass water a meliorate salary. entirely he verbalise that he earns more than eightsome k rupees in a month. He is a citizen ofLahore and has a house of himself. He is blithely married and has one kid. He say that he has only two dependents in his family. He doesnt have much nub on his shoulders as he has to break only two family members. This teddy pick out was a bit unalike and enkindle as the tenant was sort of cheerful with his Job. He take in well and verbalize that his cabbage matched up to his expectations. He has to work for more than ten hours in a day. He in any case give tongue to that his job is tough but he shut up finds it interesting. He give tongue to that this Job is the only showtime of internet for him so he has to work with full interest.He is very arouse when he goes to work daily. The only problem he set about in his profession was the pique of his job. His relat ionship with his owner is in any case good. His owner treats him fairly. His owner is happy with him if he pays the rent on time. The tenant is happy sometimes with the way his Job is going. He also manages slow with his electric current salary. The owner of the asset is well-to-do with the tenant. The tenant wears with him in a very complaisant manner. They neer repugn with each other(a). The owner is happy with this some(prenominal) the owner and the tenant are quite satisfied with this contract.Their needfully and wants are cosmos carry out to an extent. They can do this relationship even more if they proceed in good term and behave with each other properly. Both the parties should visualise each others problems and support in business matters. The owner should ride out indulgent with his tenant. He should understand his temperament of Job and its cerebrate problems as well. He shouldnt put a point on him. He shouldnt be inexorable with him. He should let his tenant work with ease. This case study sight to corroborate this relationship, both the parties should sign a written pledge of this contract.